List of All Services


Interested in booking one of these workshops at your church? Talk to your church's mentor or email



  • Personal Statement Writing: How to effectively write a personal statement for the UC and the private institutions. Each student can have their rough draft reviewed and receive support in brainstorming of different memories and events to elaborate in writing.

College Students:

  • A general overview of how to identify the best-fit graduate program and how to apply to graduate programs.


  • Undergraduate Merit Achievement Scholarship (MAS): High school and community college transfer students are invited to apply for  a $1,500 merit-based scholarship awarded for their academic performance and non-academic community involvement and accomplishments.

  • Graduate Merit Achievement Scholarship (GAS): Graduate students are invited to apply for a $2,000 merit-based scholarship for their academic performance and non-academic community involvement and accomplishments.


Individual sessions with our expert counselors tailored to the needs of each student. Students are often assisted with creating an academic plan for high school and how to apply for college.Each student will also have the opportunity to get feedback on their personal statements for college applications. Career assessment is also available. CEF counselors offer advice and guidance on how to choose the right major towards discipline of interest, prepare for future career goals and how to assess professional and personal interest.

  • One-on-One College Counseling for Egyptian Students applying for College in the US

  • Job Search, Resume Writing & Interview Tips: An overview of how to find a job, how to create a resume and how to prepare and conduct an interview.

  • Summer Internship for College Students: Help match students with known professionals in the Coptic community to offer them summer internships at which they gain hands-on experience working in their field of interest.


  • Revolution Prep – Tutoring: Get unlimited drop-in homework support from expert professional tutors seven days a week for any of your classes, including SAT and ACT prep, academic tutoring K-12, test prep for high-stakes exams, executive function tutoring as well as multi-subject tutoring.

    • Academic tutoring K-12

    • Test prep for high-stakes exams

    • Executive function tutoring

    • Multi-subject tutoring

    • Get unlimited drop-in homework support from expert professional tutors seven days a week for any of your classes, including SAT and ACT prep
